What’s your story?

One of my favorite places to go to be inspired is Barnes and Nobels. Something about the atmosphere moves me. A few years ago, I was browsing the books not so much to be inspired but more out of desperation and I found myself  in the self-help isle which I hadn’t visited since high school. This was during an extremely overwhelming time in my life. I was a new wife, I had my first job, and I was completely unsure of what I was supposed to do with my life. I really wanted to find a book that talked about life in your 20’s. I wanted to know if the things I was going through were normal or if I was just crazy. I stumbled upon a book that forever changed my life and the trajectory of my dreams. The book is called “Twenty Something Twenty Everything” by Christine Hassler. Every word in her book spoke to my exact situation. I found Christine’s website (www.Christinehassler.com) and subscribed to her weekly emails and vlogs. I eventually hired her to be my life coach. The experience truly transformed my life.  Working with Christine ignited my dream to become a life coach.

Christine recently wrote a blog about freedom and there was a section in it that I wanted to share with you.

“ Free yourself from your story. The vast majority of what we do is based on habitual behaviors and responses that are based on a story we created. This story then becomes the programming that determines our expectations of life. You began to construct your story at a young age based on things that you saw, heard or experienced in life. Your story became the lens through which you see everything in your life and motivates your choices, reactions, and actions. Then you tend to attract circumstances that fit in with your story – even if you don’t consciously want them. When you notice yourself going into the old script of your story, consciously exercise your FREEDOM TO CHOOSE by responding differently.  Remember that we are all free to create the story we want to live.” (to read the full article go to www.christinehassler.com, the entry was posted on July 6, 2012 and is titled Are you Free?)

One of the things Christine worked with me on was reprogramming my story.  One of my biggest limiting beliefs is that I am not smart enough to be the caliber of person that I desire to become. This story’s creation began in elementary when the teachers would rearrange us for testing based on who finished their tests the fastest and who finished the slowest. I was in the back for being one of the slowest.

In high school, I would look at my math tests and silently cry because it looked like a foreign language. In college, one of my professors pulled me aside to try and encourage me to not pursue a career in the field he taught because he didn‘t think I was smart enough. Since I created this story of not being smart, I let the story keep me from going after the things that were important to me. Christine helped me to recognize the story I created. She encouraged me by helping me to see that I was creative and thought differently and that I wasn’t stupid. Through Christine helping me see my situation in a different way, she changed my beliefs about how I saw myself.  Today I choose to create a new story and I choose to believe I am creative and that I can use my creative mind to achieve my dreams and goals. The new thought that I am creative and not stupid inspires me to take action.

So what is your story? Do you feel like you’re not good enough because growing up you could never measure up to your parents or teacher’s expectations? Are you defeated because you’ve had some set backs that led you to believe you will never amount to anything? You are 100% responsible for the story you create. Our thoughts lead to our feelings, which lead to our actions so if you choose to believe wonderful things about yourself you will begin to act in a way which reflects those thoughts.  Create a story that will inspire you to be more then you thought you could be. Blessings.

4 Responses to “What’s your story?”

  1. Mr WordPress

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  2. Chelsey Moss

    Love this post Bay! So encouraging! 🙂 Never thought about it like that, but I love it!

  3. Savannah

    I LOVE this post. Thank you so much for inspiring me and sharing!!

  4. Elizabeth Williams

    Bay! Thanks for sharing your blog. I will be a faithful reader. You are one of the most talented women I know…and with such a pure heart! Keep going girl…love you Mama! 🙂