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Happy 32 Andy Roo

(one of our 2007 engagement photos by Joseph Mark Photography) Today would have been Andy’s 32nd birthday! Ellie and I plan to celebrate at Chuck E. Cheese, sending dad a present (Ellie’s artwork) via a balloon and a birthday cupcake where El plans to blow out the candle! A couple of days ago, I spent… Read more »

Food to my Soul

(That’s me hugging the incredible photographer Taylor Lord (who took our family photos) at the Fotolanthropy event.) Hi There! It’s been a little while since my last post, but there is a lot to catch you up on.  First off, this past Tuesday I was invited to be honored at a Fotolanthropy event of the screening of Travis: A Solider’s Story. Fotolanthropy is a non-profit… Read more »

What Might Have Been

Today would have been seven years that Andrew and I would have been married. Sometimes I like to think about what our relationship would have looked like had he survived cancer for a second time. I truly believe those would have begun the best years of our marriage. If you’ve read Andrew’s book, A Gray… Read more »

Sweet Moments

Last night I had the sweetest moment with Ellie. I was telling her a story as she lay in her bed. After the story, I hugged and kissed her goodnight. As I was getting up to leave she said, “Mom, can I pretend Daddy is here with me?” My heart just broke. I told her… Read more »

Called to Coach

Have you ever had a common thread in your life that seemed to connect you to almost every success (by success I mean achievement) you’ve experienced? For me, the common thread’s been having a coach or a mentor. When I was winning medals in competitive gymnastics I had great coaches and when I won the… Read more »

That’s My Kind of Barre

(My friend Lindsay and her adorable son Rise modeling his Pure Barre t-shirt) If you know me well, then you know I have no interest in the bar scene. This is fairly shocking considering my upbringing. As the daughter of a nightclub owner, I spent a lot of Saturday morning’s, during my early childhood, at… Read more »

Get Up and Get Going!

(Andrew picked this quote out of many different quotes and kept this band around his wrist while he was battling cancer.) Hi There! I’m not going to lie; I’ve had a difficult time trying to write lately (hence, I haven’t written in over a month). This is my first rodeo with writer’s block. It seems that… Read more »

Use Your Noggin

(engagement photo 2007) On July 26, 2014, it will be one year since Andrew passed away.  It feels like it’s taken me the past year just to wrap my mind around what happened.  He fought hard for ten, long months. At the time, ten months felt like several years, but now, looking back, it seems… Read more »

Your Voice

Hi Everyone! It has been a busy few months filled with all things exciting and adventurous!  I’ve been traveling the country sharing my story with various groups as well as taking some time for myself.  I recently got back from Costa Rica on a women’s retreat.  I decided this trip was going to be my… Read more »