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New Year New Experiences

Hi there! Happy belated New Year! Not sure about you, but I’m ready for a new year!  I love the idea of reflecting on the past year to inform and inspire this new year filled with wisdom and experience and sharing it in order to encourage those facing a challenging season.  I love facing new… Read more »

Back To You Bailey

Hello Friend! I hope that you’ve gotten to enjoy quality time with the ones you love over this holiday season. Yesterday was a bitter-sweet day for me and Ellie.  She was so happy to see what Santa brought her, but deep down there was a not so hidden sadness in her demeanor.  We stayed with… Read more »

Home Sweet Home

Today I turned 29! Some might dread the thought of turning 30, not me! I’m soaking up all the lessons from my twenties and running with open arms to my thirties. I have high hopes for this next decade. It’s amazing to me how during my first 20 years I can feel like I’ve barely… Read more »

You May Now McKissack

Hello Friends, I’ve been M.I.A for the past couple of weeks so we have lots to catch up on!  Being close to the ocean in San Diego with Ellie and my family was relaxing and therapeutic, need I say more?!  I read a great book on the trip called “My Story” by Elizabeth Smart (the… Read more »

Places to Go

Hey there! I’ve been a busy bee.  A couple of weeks ago Ellie and I spent a long weekend in Branson with Andrew’s family. We stayed in cabins, went to shows and El went to Silver Dollar City with her grandparents and cousins. It was nice to spend quality time together.  My heart continues to… Read more »

Death and Life of a Dream

Lately, I’ve been reminded about the reality that when some dreams come to an end the birth of new dreams begin.  It’s been a little over two months since Andrew passed away and sometimes the more time passes the more real the loss of his presence in our lives.  With each new day I grow… Read more »

Life is Precious

You know the saying “When it rains, it pours.” Well, it’s true.  It’s been less then two months since Andrew passed away and last Thursday my sweet grandmother went home to be with the Lord.  My Nanny (that’s what everyone called her) lived a long (approaching age 89) and beautiful life filled with so much… Read more »

New Chapter

Hi there, I just thought you all should know that I carry you in my heart daily. I’ve been inspired by your generosity and unconditional love for me and for my family. Thank you for your continued prayer and understanding as our family is getting adjusted to our new normal.  Ellie and I are now… Read more »

A Cuero State of Mind

In the next couple of days I will be packing my things and moving back to Dallas.  My gut reaction to the move is sadness.  I am mostly sad because this was the last place that my family was whole.  Also, I truly enjoyed living in Cuero, TX.  If you asked me a year ago… Read more »

A Time To Mourn

I’m not going to lie.  The past week has been emotionally difficult. I figured based on my personality that the hardest part of this journey for me would come after Andrew passed.  What I couldn’t anticipate was what I would feel like each day. I feel like a ton of bricks are strapped to my… Read more »