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Sad Heart

I’m just gonna lay it all out there. This past week really sucked. Maybe it’s just as true to say that my attitude about last week really sucked. Once I heard the doctor tell Andrew he had another tumor in his brain and we had to start whole brain radiation for the next twelve days… Read more »

Loving What Is

Hi Friend! I hope that you are doing well and that blessings are being poured over your life as you’ve poured blessings upon ours.  I hope that Andrew’s and my gratitude for all that you’ve done for us overflows from my blog because you’ve changed our lives and we are extremely grateful.  I‘m writing to… Read more »


Hi There! Whew, things have been pretty cray cray for the Heards this past week.  Which is really nothing new.  I feel like I tell you this every week.  We thought we had a week off from chemo so we planned a trip to Dallas for Andrew to come speak at Liberty Christian School (my… Read more »

One Thing

Hello Dear Friend, You may have already heard the good news, but in case you haven’t here it goes.  Gamma Knife worked!!  Andrew went from 12 tumors in his brain to 1 (which we believe is still shrinking).  Having this surgery work could possibly give Andrew way more time!  The spirit and energy around our… Read more »

Back To Reality

Hi Friends! I’ve missed telling you stories about my crazy life J   I’ve been out of cyber world for a couple of weeks for good reason.  I’ve been enjoying a NORMAL (somewhat) life with my family!  I haven’t been this happy in a long time.  We had three weeks away from M.D. Anderson while… Read more »

Blessed By Gobblers

Holy Moly! I seriously don’t even know where to begin.  I’ve spent a few days rolling around ideas in my head of how to express my full gratitude to the amazing community of Cuero, TX (aka fighting gobblers) and everyone who helped and participated in the benefit this weekend.  I’ve come to the conclusion that… Read more »

Hard To Watch

Hi Friend, It’s been a traumatic week.  We went into gamma knife on Tuesday expecting the procedure to be on four tumors. After waiting and waiting the doctor told us there were now twelve tumors.  It was devastating news.  The doctor went ahead and treated all twelve spots with gamma knife.  The hardest part of… Read more »

Valentines Day Therapy

These days you will find me (actually you wont because I’ve pretty much become a  hermit since last week) wearing no makeup ( mostly because I could cry at the drop of a hat and because these days brushing my teeth is a huge accomplishment) and buried in financial statements.  To say math has never… Read more »

Sharing is Caring

Hi Friends, It’s taken me a few days to be able to write because I’ve had a lot to process.  You’ve probably read Andrew’s blog already , but if you haven’t I’ll give a quick recap.  On Monday Andrew came home from radiation and pulled me onto his lap.  He proceeded to tell me… Read more »

Adventures at M.D. Anderson

It’s 9:00 pm and I’m writing to you from M.D. Anderson Outpatient MRI center.  Welcome to my new life.  It’s an adventure filled with daily road trips to Houston and zapping treatments.  Yesterday I looked around the waiting room while Andrew was getting radiation and realized that everyone getting this treatment was 55-85 years old. … Read more »