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Hi Friend! As you probably know by now Andrew received some important results last week.  They were the best results we could have received without getting a full blown miracle.  I’ll give a quick recap.  Basically, the tumor in his chest hasn’t shrunk any more then it did after the first two rounds (which shrunk… Read more »

Being Heard

Howdy friends! I don’t usually do back to back updates, but we have some big results coming this weekand we are going to need all the prayers we can get!  Early Tuesday morning Andrew is getting a PET scan to see if the cancer has spread to any other areas of his body, since his… Read more »

Heard Ya

Happy New Year’s Eve!!  Guess where I am?  Yep, M.D. Anderson!  I’m pretty sure I’ve spent almost every major special event (anniversary, birthday, New Years Eve) in this place J   I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your friends and family.  The holidays are always a whirlwind.  It’s been awhile since I last… Read more »

People Pleasing Syndrome

At the end of last week I had a miniature breakdown.  I’ve always been a people-pleaser sometimes to the detriment of not pleasing myself.  I never want anyone to feel awkward or out-of-place, so I make it my duty to put people at ease.  I’m learning in life that we can’t please everyone and we will drive… Read more »

The Early Years

If you’ve read Andrew’s blog posts you’ll know that in the heat of the moment I’ve thrown pizza, a remote control and a karate move at him.  I’ve used language I never thought I’d use.  I’ve infuriated him to the point of sleeping on the couch for practically the whole first year of marriage.  One time… Read more »

The Big Two Eight

Hello Everyone! It’s been a while since my last post and a lot has happened with the Heards.  I think you all know by now, but the day before Andrew’s 30th birthday (Nov. 29th) we found out that Andrew’s tumor had shrunk significantly!  It was the best news we’ve received throughout this whole process.  We… Read more »

Attitude of Gratitude

I have a lot to be grateful for!  I’m reminded of that now more than ever.  Why does it sometimes take tragic events in our lives to remind us what we do have?  Five years ago, when I started feeling pretty low and lost, I picked up several self-help books that encouraged me to just… Read more »

It’s A Love Story

So my promise is long overdue.  I want to share the infamous engagement story I’ve been telling you about.  Before I tell it I want to preface that I have matured and grown up a lot since that time, so please keep that in mind J  I don’t know why, but for some reason I’ve… Read more »

Update on our Crazy Cancer Life!

Hi Friends!  I wanted to send you an update on our crazy cancer life!  This week Andrew went out of town for business to Minnesota.  The day he left his hair started to fall out.  He wanted me to schedule pictures ASAP because he was anticipating that his hair would fall out soon.  Our pastor… Read more »

Permission Granted

Hi Friends!  I just got back from “The Big Apple.”  I barely made it out before Sandy blew in.  When I say barely, I mean my flight got cancelled; I got the last seat on a different airline and was one of the last flights out before they shut down the airport. Craziness.   It… Read more »