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Beast Of A Week

This week has been a beast.  I feel like I’ve had a crash course in how to handle cancer 101.  Last Saturday we headed to M.D. Anderson to get his first round of chemo treatment.  Shockingly, the treatment went smoothly without any sickness.  We had a private room and our nurse was fabulous.  I wasn’t… Read more »

The Scoop

First off, I am incredibly grateful for all of your prayers, words of encouragement and love.  Yesterday was a tough day for me.  I went into the doctor’s office hopeful that the spot on Andrew’s arm wasn’t cancer.  Andrew and his parents went in expecting the cancer to be stage 4.  I think I was… Read more »

Joy in Fear

I know I said the next post would be our engagement story, but I can’t shake the anxiety I am feeling about tomorrow’s doctor’s appointment, so instead I’m gonna vent.  I will keep this short and sweet. The last few days have felt extremely heavy and a little dark.  The whole family has been filled… Read more »

Our Story

I’m not going to lie, the past two days I’ve felt emotionally wiped out.  All I’ve wanted to do is sleep.  My energy feels low and my spirits have been a little down.  I thought it might be therapeutic to share mine and Andrew’s love story with those of you who don’t know it.  This… Read more »

Drink It Up

Walking through M.D. Anderson today was both challenging and inspiring.  Although I didn’t feel prepared for what I was about to see, the experience moved me.  I saw both suffering and hope. I saw strength and weakness.  For the first time I realized that things were about to completely change for my family.  So far… Read more »

Handling the Heards

If my life was a reality television series the ratings would have been through the roof this weekend.  It all started on Thursday morning when we went in for Andrew’s biopsy. Two hours into surgery, the doctor told us he was unable to drill into the bone marrow.  The wind was completely knocked out of… Read more »

Carried by LOVE

It’s taken me a week to build up the strength to write.  I’m not even sure I’m in the right state of mind to be writing a blog, but hopefully it will be therapeutic.  On Sept. 11, 2012 I found out that my husband Andrew, a 29 year old non-smoker, has a tumor in his… Read more »

Entre Lessons

I am passionate about all things entrepreneurial!  My favorite TV show is Shark Tank.  I love reading articles about individuals who create their own business based on their passions.  I’m always thinking of ways to help my friends start their own businesses (apparently not everyone wants their own business, but in case they change their… Read more »

Everygirl’s Guide

This is humiliating to admit, but, I didn’t learn how to cook or clean until about two years ago. By the time I got to college I had never consistently made a bed, done laundry, or picked up after myself. Needless to say, my poor roommate was so mortified by my messiness that she moved… Read more »

What’s your story?

One of my favorite places to go to be inspired is Barnes and Nobels. Something about the atmosphere moves me. A few years ago, I was browsing the books not so much to be inspired but more out of desperation and I found myself  in the self-help isle which I hadn’t visited since high school…. Read more »