Doing The Work

Hi There!

Starting a business takes a lot of courage. I know this because I remember how insecure, unqualified, and afraid I felt four years ago when I made the decision to start speaking.

I ran into a friend a short time ago who just started her own business and, to my surprise and gratitude, she thanked me for going after my dreams because she said it helped give her the courage to make the leap from employee to business owner.

We were talking about all of the initial fears of starting a business like:

  • Am I worth what I’m charging?
  • Are they going to like working with me?
  • Am I really qualified for this?
  • Can I support my family?
  • (Insert your own version of the above)

If you are thinking about starting a business or you just launched one and can relate to any of these thoughts and fears, know you’re not alone. Today I want to share what helps me minimize my fears in order to keep moving forward to create a business I love that funds my life.

Looking back, I treated the first few years of my business like a hobby. I pretty much said yes to any business that came my way, but I didn’t actively pursue more business.

To my credit, I was a recent widow and single mom of a toddler trying to start over and figure out my new normal, overwhelmed by anything and everything. It’s pretty crazy I even thought starting a business during this time was a good idea, but I was compelled and inspired by the way my late husband lived his life.

I wanted to share his writings because I believed they would make a difference in the lives of others. I wanted the world to know how smart, talented, and kind he was and, although his life was cut too short, his legacy could continue to impact the world.

I was so driven by this mission that it overpowered my initial fears. This in return, gave me the courage to get started speaking and the freedom to allow myself to make mistakes and learn as I go.

Recently I needed to reconnect with my purpose after a challenging season in my life. I questioned everything and considered putting my career on the shelf and taking a different path.

Thankfully I was able to reconnect with my purpose and reason for starting my speaking career during a recent speaking gig.

Now I’m pouring all my passion and energy back into my first love. When we become connected to why we are doing something and when it is purposeful and meaningful to us, then suddenly our fears shrink and we get clear and focused on doing the work.

When we begin doing the work, which I’m learning for me and for most businesses is about lead generating or proactively seeking business opportunities, then we have less time to get paralyzed by our fears that hold us back, because doing the work moves us forward toward our goals.

So I’d love to know: What motivated you to start your business? What does “doing the work” look like for you?

I’m looking forward to hearing your responses. Thank you for hanging out with me today. I’m grateful for your time and, as always, I hope you were encouraged and you know you’re not alone. Have a wonderful rest of the week! Love and Blessings.


PS – I’d love the opportunity to come share my inspirational message at your next company meeting. Please email me at [email protected]

PPS – Back in 2015 when I published The Ellie Project, a book Andrew wrote and illustrated during the the final months of his life for our then two-year-old daughter, Ellie, I had no idea the impact it would have on families all over the country. It’s sold over 6,000 plus copies, and continues to leave a lasting impression on the hearts of those who read it. Get your signed copy here.