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New Chapter

Hi there, I just thought you all should know that I carry you in my heart daily. I’ve been inspired by your generosity and unconditional love for me and for my family. Thank you for your continued prayer and understanding as our family is getting adjusted to our new normal.  Ellie and I are now… Read more »

A Cuero State of Mind

In the next couple of days I will be packing my things and moving back to Dallas.  My gut reaction to the move is sadness.  I am mostly sad because this was the last place that my family was whole.  Also, I truly enjoyed living in Cuero, TX.  If you asked me a year ago… Read more »

A Time To Mourn

I’m not going to lie.  The past week has been emotionally difficult. I figured based on my personality that the hardest part of this journey for me would come after Andrew passed.  What I couldn’t anticipate was what I would feel like each day. I feel like a ton of bricks are strapped to my… Read more »

Andrew’s Memorial

I wanted to invite you all to join us this Saturday August 3rd, 2013 at 11 AM in the High School competition gym (next to the Jr. High School) in Cuero, TX to celebrate the life of my best friend and husband Andrew Bryant Heard.  We will have a lunch after the service at the… Read more »

No More Pain

This may seem premature, but it’s the best way I know how to process everything that happened today.  This morning around 2 AM Andrew started a different kind of breathing pattern.  I woke up to give him medicine and the pattern didn’t change.  He was pretty much in constant pain.  Every hour I would give… Read more »

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

I probably shouldn’t be blogging when I’m worked up, but it’s 12 AM and I can’t sleep because I’m so anxious.  I just got finished helping Andrew read through some of his recent comments and we came across one of the nastiest comments I’ve ever read.  I could not believe someone would write something so… Read more »

Never The Same

One thing is for sure.  This experience stays with you, it becomes a part of who you are and it impacts the person you will now grow into.  The past few days have literally been a whirlwind.  Since bringing Andrew home from the hospital my days have been consumed with hospice, funeral arrangements and a… Read more »

Take It In

You may have imagined me and Andrew bawling our eyes out since last night we found out M.D. Anderson may have nothing left to offer us and yes we have shed some tears, but if I can be completely honest with you in some way I feel more at peace now then I have in… Read more »

My Hero

Hi there. I just finished reading my husband’s new book “A Gray Faith.”  It’s one thing to read an inspiring story about an amazing man battling cancer and another thing to be married to the man battling cancer.  I’m not going to lie.  Reading his book all day and sitting next to his hospital bed… Read more »

To Trust or Not To Trust

Have you ever had the realization that certain challenges in your life prepared you for a bigger challenge? This has been a difficult week for my family, but in the midst of all the pain and confusion I had the realization that some of my struggles over the years have prepared me for this ultimate… Read more »