Posts By: Bailey Heard

The Healing Power of Writing

Hello! Happy almost-Thanksgiving! Today, I was inspired to share how writing has been a tool to create more healing in my life. Throughout my 30 years so far, I have had over 20 journals. The earliest one dates back to the 3rd grade and is filled with  my no-spaces-between-words writing I can now hardly read…. Read more »

John Maxwell + The Ellie Project

Ellie posing for a picture in Stoll and Santa's shoes

Hi!! I wanted to share an exciting story that happened in my life and it includes you! A few weeks ago, my parents went to their third Exchange conference put on by the amazing John Maxwell. If you aren’t familiar with John, he is the expert on leadership (check out his site here Exchange… Read more »

Ellie’s Legacy

Ellie checking her father health with the stethoscope

“Because Dad died, God might want me to really love Mama so you’re not alone.” These were the words straight out of my little girl, Ellie’s, mouth a few nights ago. I’m consistently in awe of her massively compassionate heart. It blows me away that at 4 years old, she thinks these deep thoughts. Then… Read more »

Helping Hand

Bailey speaking on the mic at the podium

A few days ago, while driving my daughter, Ellie, to my aunt’s house, I had a conversation with her that deeply affected me. The discussion started over a birthmark on Ellie’s finger, which I told her is the exact birthmark my late-husband and her daddy, Andrew, had on his finger, and then somehow the dialogue… Read more »

Failing Forward

Bailey and her family smiling and enjoying at the park

I’m not gonna lie. There are some days (like today) I wake up wondering what the heck was I thinking starting my own business? I must be out of my mind. Today I felt completely overwhelmed by the all the details involved in running my business. I feel so green and sometimes embarrassed at having… Read more »

Looking Back, Stepping Forward

An old wedding picture of the bailey and Andrew

  Yesterday would have been my 8-year wedding anniversary with Andrew (he passed away from cancer on July 26, 2013). I can’t help but think about what our lives would currently look like had he lived, where we would be living, what we would be doing, what our daughter, Ellie’s, relationship with her dad would… Read more »

Motivating Positive Transformation

Last week was the first time in over a year I’ve gotten up on stage to speak and share my family’s story. For me, the experience of losing my husband and becoming a single mom has only set in recently, so it’s been a completely different experience sharing my story in public these days. When… Read more »

The Other Book

  So many of you who’ve followed our story for awhile know about Andrew’s books, A Gray Faith and The Ellie Project, but before those books came along there was another book about football, the perils of high school popularity, and choosing God over what the world says will be fulfilling. It was the winter… Read more »

Through the Pain

Ellie sleeping with her daddy on the hospital bed

This week I had a conversation with a friend that brought up some thought-provoking questions for me. The premise of the conversation was about going through life trying to avoid pain, and both of us deciding it was time to stop running and start dealing with it. For this friend, it was running from relationship… Read more »

What’s Your Money Love Story?

Ellie holding a toy and posing at the square version of dad's jersey

  So I’m finishing up a book called, Money, A Love Story, by Kate Northrup, and I have to say it’s one of the first books about money I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading. Granted, I haven’t read too many books about money because, to be honest, the topic has never been one of interest to me…. Read more »